Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Cobá ruins, Mexico

Gladimar and I caught the 10:30 am bus to Cobá. It was about an hour and a half ride northwest. We were dropped off by the side of the road and walked to a cluster of artisan shops and restaurants. The main entrance was just beyond them.
We spent the next three hours exploring the site. Compared to other Mayan sites I have visited, the buildings that had been uncovered and restored were further apart from each other. We ended up walking quite a bit, luckily there was plenty of shade.
Cobá is located around two lagoons, and the buildings are mostly located in four major groups, each roughly 1km apart from each other. The Mayans settled in the area by at least 100 AD. The city rose and then declined in political power in the following centuries, possibly existing up to the time of the Spanish conquest, when it was abandoned.
Gladimar was leaving at 3:30 am to try to make it to Isla Mujeres early enough to swim with whale sharks before flying back home the next day. I was planning on heading to Akumal beach to see sea turtles. Before I went to bed that night, I noticed a decent-sized spider on one of our walls. I ignored it at first, but then it slowly began to make it's way over to my bed. I didn't want to kill it, but I also didn't wan't to approach it, or just leave it there in case it was poisonous or a jumper. I googled "spiders of Mexico" and confirmed it was a brown recluse! I also saw some of the pictures of their bites, really nasty stuff. So, with help from Gabriel, I tapped it into a small empty trash bin and ejected it onto the patio. It was a real Steve Erwin moment :)

Gladimar climbs to the top.


My turn. It doesn't look too steep from here.


That tiny speck at the top is me.

Lunch break.

An artisan's shop by the bus stop. He uses silkscreens and water colors.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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