Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Belize City - Belize Zoo and Harry Potter!

Jacob and I got up early and walked out to the bus station. Set in natural forest, the 29-acre Belize Zoo is about 31 miles from Belize City along the Western Highway. It was founded in the early 80's by US biologist Sharon Matola. Most of the animals in the zoo are rescues (like big cats who were kept as pets and never learned to hunt), injured, or donated from other zoos and have been bred in captivity. They are kept in the zoo only if reconditioning to a life in the wild is impossible. One thing that I found really amazing about this zoo is that because it is in a natural environment, wildlife from the surrounding jungle often comes in and eats or just hangs out with the animals in the enclosures.

Most of the buses in Belize are old school buses from the U.S.

Jacob looking for spider monkeys.

Looks like she found us instead.

She was very curious about us, probably suspected we had food.

They smelled so sweet.

Zombie/Howler monkey.

"Jacob, do you feel like something is watching us?"

It's not a log.

After catching another school bus back to Belize City (standing room only!), we walked around the looking for lunch. One of the things I missed while I was traveling is all of the movies that have come out in the last few months. So I was thrilled when we walked out to the Princess Casino (which has only theatre in Belize City) and saw the final Harry Potter!

Triwizard Champ by ChayaA

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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