Work: I happen to work at an incredible studio that values the welfare of its employees to a level I have rarely seen elsewhere. The people at Nihilistic Software Inc. are talented and inspiring, and I love being a part of such a kick a$$ team. I could go on and on, but I'll just say that were very understanding when I expressed my need to take some time off and travel: other employees have taken sabbaticals before, either to travel, learn a language, ect...and I was relieved to know that I'd be able to come back.
Apartment: I really adore my apartment and was not looking forward to the possibility of giving it up if I couldn't find someone to sub-lease it. I posted a few ads on public property rental websites and sent out a few mass emails...but I have to be honest, I wasn't looking forward to interviewing people, can you properly evaluate a person's character in a half hour? It was also weird to think of some stranger staying in my home with my furniture and random belongings. I had visions of me coming back to an empty apartment, or worse!?... As luck would have it, Amy, a lovely, close friend, was available to take over the lease of my apartment.
Travel info/Gear: People have really been helpful in sharing thier traveling experiences and advice, as well sending me websites, travel guides, contacts, you name it! A couple of ladies specifically, have been invaluable: Stella who is one of the most experienced, fearless, travelers I know and who generously lent me her travel gear, and Tara who, in sharing her own experiences, has inspired me to go off the beaten path.
Car: I looked into storing it, as there are a few lots in the area that charge a couple of hundred a month, but then a couple of good friends have offered to keep an eye on my sweet ride, the civic, while I'm gone. Thanks ladies!
Budget: I spent 6 the six months leading up to the trip surviving on Ramen noodles, Suave, and Sally Hansen. Actually, I am planning on staying in a lot of hostels and backpacking it with extended stays in more affordable locations...budget travel all the way.
Pets: My two cats, Marbles and Maya, were originally going to stay with mom in Seattle. When that fell through, I arranged to have them stay with dad, in Florida.
Communication: NSI hooked up its employees with IPads last Christmas, just as I had been looking into laptops, and a gift card for any handy apps we would want to try out... ridiculous generosity! Thanks again NSI! It should be an interesting experience to keep the blog going via the IPad. I will be signing up for an international data plan (I have the basic plan now), and mostly using free wireless when possible. On a side note, I bought an IPad DODO case, so that it's not too flashy, and looks more like a regular notebook. Check it out:
Camera: I am bringing a casio exilim with extra memory cards and the IPad camera connection kit. It's not the most impressive camera, but it takes decent pictures, it's light, and not terribly expensive if something happens to it. And by that last comment, I am referring to my habit of consistently dropping fragile gadgets. So far the IPad seems to big to fall under this category, thank god.
Itinerary: At first, I really had no idea how to fill up 6 months, and then after researching destinations for a bit ~ I felt like there wasn't enough time! I basically had some places I absolutely wanted to see, and then compiled a list of "must see" places from other travel blogs. Advice from friends over the last couple of weeks already has me considering other destinations. A good friend who is joining me has suggested heading to Dublin for St. Patrick's Day. Although not celebrated the same way it is in the U.S. (in observance of the religious holiday, up until 1995 pubs in Ireland were closed), there will celebrations and parades all week. hmmm
Vaccinations: I made an appointment with my doctor and received most of the required vaccinations for the different countries I was traveling to. Not surprisingly, most of them were for the Central and South American leg of the trip. I probably glow in the dark now ;)
Well, this just about addresses most the questions people have asked me, feel free to comment/or ask if there is anything else you are interested in reading about.